Azure Static Web App Day
Halloween 2024

Pumpkin with a spider in a witches hat on top and a cat cuddling up against it

Azure Static Web Apps. Simple to use, easy to deploy, and a great way to get your web app up and running quickly.

Whether you develop using a SPA framework (Blazor, Angular, Vue, React etc.) or want a static site (Hugo, Gatsby, etc.) - even vanilla HTML, Azure Static Web Apps will help you get live fast, and stay up to date.

Join us for a day of learning about Azure Static Web Apps, with talks from some of the best in the industry.

See you on October 31st, 2024

Our Speakers

Anjuli Jhakry

Anjuli Jhakry
Meet Anjuli Jhakry: A Microsoft MVP and .NET developer at 4DotNet by day and a Microsoft Entra ID explorer by night. I'm navigating the vast ecosystem of Microsoft, always eager to learn. Beyond this, I am passionate about giving presentations and advocating for the incredible potential of tech to everyone.

Jeffrey T. Fritz

Jeffrey T. Fritz
Jeff Fritz is a principal program manager in Microsoft’s Developer Division on the .NET Community Team where he leads development of live video and online content. Jeff is the executive producer of the .NET Conf series of online events. He is also a Twitch and YouTube partner as well as the founder of the Live Coders stream team. You can catch Jeff writing .NET Code with GitHub, Visual Studio, and Azure on his video stream called 'Fritz and Friends' at

Poornima Nayar

Poornima Nayar
Poornima is a .Net developer with over 10 years of experience in .Net and Umbraco. She is passionate about learning new technologies and keeping herself up-to-date with the latest developments in technology. Outside her work, Poornima enjoys music and is undergoing training in Indian Classical music. Based in Langley, UK she mothers a little girl and spends her spare time reading, cooking and watching movies.

Eric Johansson

Eric Johansen
Back in 2003, Eric discovered .NET. Coming from a background of mostly using C++ for client- and PERL/ASP Classic for web-development, discovering and developing with .NET was like the clouds opening up and a ray of sunshine washing over him. Since then, he's been working with .NET in various forms, from ASP.NET WebForms to ASP.NET MVC to ASP.NET 5+, from Windows Forms to WPF to UWP, from WCF to WebAPI to gRPC, from SQL Server to MongoDB to CosmosDB. While he's dabbled with other languages and platforms since, .NET has been his home, and pulling him back in as my platform of choice. Today, his day job is running a consulting firm specializing in .NET development and Azure architecture. At other times, he runs an open, inclusive and educational twitch stream helping people experience and learn .NET.

Natalia Venditto

Natalia Venditto
Natalia has worked in the roles of frontend developer, full-stack developer, technical lead, software and solutions architect. Now she leads the end-to-end developer experience for JavaScript and Node.js, on Azure. Natalia is also part of the Google Developer Experts for Angular and Web Technologies, and Google Mentors programs, and an MVP award for Developer Technologies.

Andreas Wänqvist

Andreas Wänqvist
Andreas has been working in different positions within enterprise during the last two decades. A few years ago his focus was on all things mobile, then it shifted towards building web systems. Nowadays the focus is on cloud solutions and planet-scale architecture, as well as helping web developers be more productive. Andreas is a Tech Lead at Voyado. On his spare time he spends time with his family, lifts heavy things in the gym and is involved in OSS as an Aurelia Core Team member.



The day is organised around getting started with Azure Static Web Apps, and gradually getting deeper!

Whilst exact times are not yet know, each talk will start on the hour and last 45 minutes, making it easy to join when it will give you the most value

Though, of course, we'd love to see you for the whole day!


Getting Started with Azure Static Web Apps

Anjuli Jhakry

Join Anjuli as she walks you through the basics of Azure Static Web Apps, and how to get your first app up and running

Azure Static Web Apps and Confirguration

Poornima Nayar

Learn how to configure your Azure Static Web App with Poornima, and see to safely access environment variables, secrets, and more

Using the Data Builder with an Azure Static Web App

Andreas Wänqvist

Azure Static Web Apps come with Azure Functions to provide a API for data manipulation. But for simple data operations there is a better solution! Andreas will show you how to use the Data Builder to get your data into your Azure Static Web App

Azure Static Web App CLI

Natalia Venditto

It's great that we can do so much out of the box, but Natalia is going to show us how we can do much it from the command live using the Static Web App CLI! Initializing, running locally, deploying and more from your own machine

Making the Dynamic Static

Eric Johansson

Case Study: Eric wanted to use Blazor to create his blog, using Azure Static Web Apps for easy of deployment and cost. But he also wanted to ensure his site was searchable. Hear his story of how he managed this using a custom pipeline and wget.

Running Kliptok on Azure Static Web Apps

Jeffrey T. Fritz

Case Study: Jeff made a wildly popular web application to allow users to index Twitch clips for easy searching. Indexing millions of records and serving people around the globe, all built using Azure Static Web Apps - live on streamed on Twitch as well. Jeff will tell of his experiences, and learnings, during this development

Code of Conduct

We want an open, friendly conference, where people from all backgrounds and levels of experience can come and learn about Azure Static Web Apps together.

To ensure this we have a Code of Conduct for our conference.

All attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers at our conference are required to agree with the following code of conduct. Organizers will enforce this code throughout the event. We are expecting cooperation from all participants to help ensuring a safe environment for everybody.

The Quick Version

Our conference is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference, including talks, Twitter and other online media. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference at the discretion of the conference organisers.

Our volunteers will be monitoring the chat channels during the conference to ensure the policy is being followed

You can find the full Code of Conduct here.

Who are we?

Azure Static Web Apps Day is organised by three community members who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experience with the community.

Stacy Cashmore

Stacy Cashmore

Speaker, author, and software developer. Stacy has been developing solutions since the mid-1990s in various companies and industries ranging from facilitating contract jobbing to allowing consumers to close a mortgage without the help of a financial adviser – with lots in between.

She has a passion for sharing knowledge: using storytelling for sharing her experiences to help teams grow in the ways that they develop software and work together and performing live coding demonstrations to inspire others to try new technologies.

Stacy has just published her first book, aimed at helping developers get started building dynamic applications using C#, Azure Functions, and Azure Static Web Apps.

For her effort in the community, Stacy has been awarded the Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies since 2020.

Jessica Engström

Jessica Engström
Jessica was recently added to Women Who Code's "Technologist to Watch 2023" list and has been a Microsoft MVP for over 9 years. Her passion for the community can be seen in her activities like teaching, organizing, and speaking at conferences all over the world, running a podcast (Coding After Work) and streams (MarriedGeeks & CodingAfterWork).
She spends too much money on Lego and in her spare time and loves to drive her EV.

Kirsten Duurkoop

Kirsten Duurkoop Cartoon
This is Kirsten's first time organizing a conference, and she is excited to be working with Stacy and Jessica to bring you the Azure Static Web Apps Day.

Our Sponsors

Of course, we could not put this event on without the help of our Sponsors!

Stream Sponsor:

We are so grateful to Omniplan for sponsoring the streaming platform that makes this conference possible!

Organization Sponsor: TBC

As yet, we don't have an organization sponsor. If you are interested please contact us at our LinkedIn Page